Mar 2, 2011

Apple pie

One of my goals for this year is to become a better cook, so I've been practicing a lot, the other day I made this apple pie and I've been pretty proud of it! It looks like those american movies ones, doesn't it? With the crossed strips design on top and cinammon and such~ And it tasted good, not too sweet, and it tasted even better after a night in the refrigerator, so so yummy! The next morning I took some pieces to my friend's ( it almost felt like little red riding hood taking sweets to her grandma haha) and she liked it, she even asked me for its recipe, it made me happy ♥


  1. hahaha, apple pie is sooo snow white for me! looks yummy! i need to learn how to cook some basic stuff before going to Rio...
    love ya ♥

  2. Aw it looks very good! My favorite pie is pumpkin pie~ <3
